

Semiconductor: Sillicon, Germanium. stable at room temperature, allowing a small current.

Impurities: n-type: group 15 (Phosphrous), p-type: group 13 (Boron).

Doping: adding impurities to semiconductors.

n-type semiconductor has extra electron, while p-type semiconductor has holes.

When bringing p-type and n-type together, the electrons will mix with the holes, creating a depletion layer (diffusion), and corresponding electric field (drift). These two currents reach equilibrium.

Forward bias: (the arrow represents direction of electron)

+ | p-type | n-type | -
       < diffusion
       drift >
       < bias

Narrows the depletion layer and increase diffusion rate, short circuit.

Reverse bias: the contrary of forward bias, open circuit.


MOSFET: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

n-channel MOSFET

           | Metal |
      S    | Oxide |     D
|  |  N  |     P     |  N  |  |
|  +-----+           +-----+  |
+-----------------------------+ < substrate

V_BS: Substrate bias

  • S: Source
  • D: Drain
  • G: Gate

At rest, at least one reverse bias is created. Therefore, no current.

If a voltage is applied on the gate, a layer of negative charge (in the reverse-bias region of P-type) will be attracted to the surface of p-type material, creating a n-channel.

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0

p-channel MOSFET

Same as n-channel, except that N and P are exchanged, and a logic zero voltage is applied on the gate.


Not connecting the output to high voltage is not the same as connecting it to low voltage.

Data: V_cc=5V, GND=0V, switching time 120picosecond, switching interval 10ns.

NAND is the most common logic gate.

         | Positive logic |
Input -> +----------------+ -> Output
         | Negative logic |

Positive logic connects IFF Input leads to high Output.

Negative logic connects IFF Input leads to low Output.

Should be disjoint and cover every case.

Circuit Creation

Minterm and Maxterm

  • minterm an AND expression with every input present in true or complemented form.

m_x = AB(~C)D: Every output is low, except when A=1, B=1, C=0, D=1. (x is the row in truth table.)

  • maxterm an OR expression with every input present in true or complemented form.

M_x = A+B+~C+D Every output is high, except when A=0, B=0, C=1, D=0.

Combining the Terms

  • SOM: Sum-of-Minterms (union of high outputs)
  • POM: Product-of-Maxterms (intersection of high outputs)

Reducing Circuits

Gate cost

  • G: number of gates.
  • GN: number of gates, with NOT gates included.

Karnaugh maps

Grid of minterms (maxterms), arranged so that adjancent minterms (maxterms) differ by a single literal IFF.

Note: the 2d grid wraps around. ie, the left most column is adjancent to the right most column.

Don’t care values: can be either 0 or 1.

Two’s Complement

  • One’s complement: ~x. (x + ~x = -1)
  • Two’s complement: ~x + 1.


  • Unsigned: 0 ~ 2^n - 1
  • Signed: -2^(n - 1) ~ 2^(n - 1) - 1



  • ~S~R latch: Two interconnected NAND gates.
  • SR latch: Two interconnected NOR gates.

S: Set, R: Reset, ~S~R: Keep, SR: Forbidden.

Clock signals

  • Latency of transistors: setup and hold time.
  • Setup time for clock signal.

Clocked latches

  • Clocked SR latch: two nand gates connected with ~S~R latch, with ~S = ~(SC) and ~R = ~(RC).

Only allows S and R signals to affect the state when C is high.

  • D latch: Clocked SR latch, with S = D, C = ~D.

Prevents forbidden space, but is transparent: any change to D when C is high is visible immediately.

  • SR master-slave flip-flop: two clocked SR latch, with a not gate on the clock of the second one.

A flip-flop is a latched circuit whose output is triggered with the edge of a clock pulse.

  • Edge-triggered D flip-flop: connect D latch to the input of a clocked SR latch, with a not gate on the clock of the clocked SR latch.

Negative-edge triggered changes value when clock goes down.

  • T flip-flop: toggles the value with T goes high.

  • JK flip-flop: ~J~K maintain, (~J)K reset, J(~K) set, JK toggle.


Input should NOT be changing at the same time as the active edge.

  • Setup time: Input should be stable before the active edge.
  • Hold time: Input should be stable after the active edge.

Time period between two active edges cannot be shorter than the longest propogation delay and setup time.


  • Synchronous reset: the output is resetted only on the active edge.
  • Asynchronous reset: the output is resetted immediately.

Sequential Circuit

Input -> Combinational Circuit -> Output
         ^                   |
         +- Storage Units <--+

Gate delay

(Propogation Delay) The length of time for an input change to result in output change.

Feedback circuits

  • and and or will lock.
  • nand and nor will oscillate.


ALU flags

  • C: Carry
  • Z: Zero
  • N: Negative
  • V: Overflow


  • Booth’s Algorithm

If [i:i-1] = “01”, the multiplicand is added at position i.

If [i:i-1] = “10”, the multiplicand is subtracted from position i.

def booth(a: Integer, b: Integer) -> Integer:
    assert len(a) == len(b)
    N = len(a) * 2
    a = a.extend(N)
    b = b.extend(N)
    print(a, b)
    cur = Integer(N)
    for i in range(N - 1, 0, -1):
        if b.content[i] == 0 and b.content[i - 1] == 1:
            nxt = a.sll(i)
        elif b.content[i] == 1 and b.content[i - 1] == 0:
            nxt = (-a).sll(i)
        print(f" {cur}\n+{nxt}\n={cur + nxt} ({i})\n")
        cur += nxt
    return cur



                |< -RC------------------------------------------- >|
                | Address Valid                                    |
                |< OHA >|       |                                  |
                |< -AA-------- >|                                  |< OHA >|
Data Out:               |       |                                  |       |
Prev Data Valid         |       | Data Valid                               | ...
  • RC: Read Cycle Time, minimum time needed between two read cycles.
  • AA: Address Access Time, time needed for address to be stable before read.
  • OHA: Output Hold Time, time output data is held after change of address.


                |< -WC-------------------------------------------- >|
                | Address Valid                                     |
Read/nWrite:    |< SA >| < -WP----------------------------- >|< HA >|
0                      | 1                                   | 0
Data In:                          |< -SD------------------- >|< -HD---- >|
                                  | Data Valid                           |

  • WC: Write Cycle Time.
  • SA: Address Setup Time, time needed for address to be stable before enabling write.
  • HA: Address Hold Time, time needed for address to be stable after enabling write.
  • WP: Write Pulse Width
  • SD: Data Setup Time (to Write End), time for data-in value to be setup at destination.
  • HD: Data Hold Time (from Write End), time for data-in value should stay unchanged after write signal changes.


  • Address need time to setup
  • Be conservative about timing


Big endian:

|X     |X+1   |X+2   |X+3   |
| Byte | Byte | Byte | Byte |
^ MSB                       ^ LSB

Little endian:

|X     |X+1   |X+2   |X+3   |
|31  24|23  16|15   8|7    0|
| Byte | Byte | Byte | Byte |
^ LSB                       ^ MSB

Application Memory View

| Reserved    |
| .text       |
| .data       |
| Heap        |
| Unallocated |
| Stack       |
| OS          |

MIPS Instruction Types


Machine code:

|31    26|25 21|20 16|15 11|10    6|5     0|
| 6      | 5   | 5   | 5   | 5     | 6     | =32
| opcode | rs  | rt  | rd  | shmat | funct |


Machine code:

|31    26|25 21|20 16|15  0|
| 6      | 5   | 5   | 16  | =32
| opcode | rs  | rt  | IMM |


Machine code:

|31    26|25             0|
| 6      | 26             | =32
| opcode | pseudo-address |

Actual address:

|31     28|27             2| 1         0|
| 4       | 26             | 2          | =32
| next PC | pseudo-address | word align |

MIPS Instructions

Arithmetic instructions

  • I-type: IMM is sign extended.
  • div?: lo = $rs / $rt, hi = $rs % $rt.
  • mult?: hi:lo = $s * $t.
  • (add|sub)?u: same as (add|sub)?, but does not trap on overflow.
  • (mult|div)u behaves differently from (mult|div).

Logical instructions

  • I-type: IMM is zero extended.

Shift instructions

  • sll* operations will always sign extend into a 64-bit register, then truncates the value into 32 bits.

Jump instructions

  • j: according to slides, pc = (pc & 0xF0000000) | (IMM << 2), which is different from the specification.

  • The range of j is 256 MBytes.

Branch instructions

  • The offset is i = (label - (next PC)) >> 2. This is different from the slides.

  • The range b* is +/- 128 KBytes.

Comparison instructions

