CSC258 Review
- Transistors
- Circuit Creation
- Two’s Complement
- Flip-flops
- Sequential Circuit
- Memory
- Endianess
- Application Memory View
- MIPS Instruction Types
- MIPS Instructions
- References
Semiconductor: Sillicon, Germanium. stable at room temperature, allowing a small current.
Impurities: n-type: group 15 (Phosphrous), p-type: group 13 (Boron).
Doping: adding impurities to semiconductors.
n-type semiconductor has extra electron, while p-type semiconductor has holes.
When bringing p-type and n-type together, the electrons will mix with the holes, creating a depletion layer (diffusion), and corresponding electric field (drift). These two currents reach equilibrium.
Forward bias: (the arrow represents direction of electron)
+ | p-type | n-type | -
< diffusion
drift >
< bias
Narrows the depletion layer and increase diffusion rate, short circuit.
Reverse bias: the contrary of forward bias, open circuit.
MOSFET: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
n-channel MOSFET
| Metal |
S | Oxide | D
| | N | P | N | |
| +-----+ +-----+ |
+-----------------------------+ < substrate
: Substrate bias
: SourceD
: DrainG
: Gate
At rest, at least one reverse bias is created. Therefore, no current.
If a voltage is applied on the gate, a layer of negative charge (in the reverse-bias region of P-type) will be attracted to the surface of p-type material, creating a n-channel.
V_DS | V_GS | V_DS |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 0 |
p-channel MOSFET
Same as n-channel, except that N and P are exchanged, and a logic zero voltage is applied on the gate.
Not connecting the output to high voltage is not the same as connecting it to low voltage.
Data: V_cc=5V
, GND=0V
, switching time 120picosecond, switching interval 10ns.
NAND is the most common logic gate.
| Positive logic |
Input -> +----------------+ -> Output
| Negative logic |
Positive logic connects IFF Input leads to high Output.
Negative logic connects IFF Input leads to low Output.
Should be disjoint and cover every case.
Circuit Creation
Minterm and Maxterm
an AND expression with every input present in true or complemented form.
m_x = AB(~C)D
Every output is low, except when A=1, B=1, C=0, D=1. (x is the row in truth table.)
an OR expression with every input present in true or complemented form.
M_x = A+B+~C+D
Every output is high, except when A=0, B=0, C=1, D=0.
Combining the Terms
: Sum-of-Minterms (union of high outputs)POM
: Product-of-Maxterms (intersection of high outputs)
Reducing Circuits
Gate cost
: number of gates.GN
: number of gates, with NOT gates included.
Karnaugh maps
Grid of minterms (maxterms), arranged so that adjancent minterms (maxterms) differ by a single literal IFF.
Note: the 2d grid wraps around. ie, the left most column is adjancent to the right most column.
Don’t care values: can be either 0 or 1.
Two’s Complement
- One’s complement:
. (x + ~x = -1
) - Two’s complement:
~x + 1
- Unsigned: 0 ~ 2^n - 1
- Signed: -2^(n - 1) ~ 2^(n - 1) - 1
latch: Two interconnected NAND gates.SR
latch: Two interconnected NOR gates.
: Set, R
: Reset, ~S~R
: Keep, SR
: Forbidden.
Clock signals
- Latency of transistors: setup and hold time.
- Setup time for clock signal.
Clocked latches
- Clocked SR latch: two nand gates connected with
latch, with~S = ~(SC)
and~R = ~(RC)
Only allows S and R signals to affect the state when C is high.
- D latch: Clocked SR latch, with
S = D
,C = ~D
Prevents forbidden space, but is transparent: any change to D when C is high is visible immediately.
- SR master-slave flip-flop: two clocked SR latch, with a not gate on the clock of the second one.
A flip-flop is a latched circuit whose output is triggered with the edge of a clock pulse.
- Edge-triggered D flip-flop: connect D latch to the input of a clocked SR latch, with a not gate on the clock of the clocked SR latch.
Negative-edge triggered changes value when clock goes down.
T flip-flop: toggles the value with T goes high.
JK flip-flop:
Input should NOT be changing at the same time as the active edge.
- Setup time: Input should be stable before the active edge.
- Hold time: Input should be stable after the active edge.
Time period between two active edges cannot be shorter than the longest propogation delay and setup time.
- Synchronous reset: the output is resetted only on the active edge.
- Asynchronous reset: the output is resetted immediately.
Sequential Circuit
Input -> Combinational Circuit -> Output
^ |
+- Storage Units <--+
Gate delay
(Propogation Delay) The length of time for an input change to result in output change.
Feedback circuits
will lock.nand
will oscillate.
ALU flags
- C: Carry
- Z: Zero
- N: Negative
- V: Overflow
- Booth’s Algorithm
If [i:i-1] = “01”, the multiplicand is added at position i.
If [i:i-1] = “10”, the multiplicand is subtracted from position i.
def booth(a: Integer, b: Integer) -> Integer:
assert len(a) == len(b)
N = len(a) * 2
a = a.extend(N)
b = b.extend(N)
print(a, b)
cur = Integer(N)
for i in range(N - 1, 0, -1):
if b.content[i] == 0 and b.content[i - 1] == 1:
nxt = a.sll(i)
elif b.content[i] == 1 and b.content[i - 1] == 0:
nxt = (-a).sll(i)
print(f" {cur}\n+{nxt}\n={cur + nxt} ({i})\n")
cur += nxt
return cur
|< -RC------------------------------------------- >|
| Address Valid |
|< OHA >| | |
|< -AA-------- >| |< OHA >|
Data Out: | | | |
Prev Data Valid | | Data Valid | ...
- RC: Read Cycle Time, minimum time needed between two read cycles.
- AA: Address Access Time, time needed for address to be stable before read.
- OHA: Output Hold Time, time output data is held after change of address.
|< -WC-------------------------------------------- >|
| Address Valid |
Read/nWrite: |< SA >| < -WP----------------------------- >|< HA >|
0 | 1 | 0
Data In: |< -SD------------------- >|< -HD---- >|
| Data Valid |
- WC: Write Cycle Time.
- SA: Address Setup Time, time needed for address to be stable before enabling write.
- HA: Address Hold Time, time needed for address to be stable after enabling write.
- WP: Write Pulse Width
- SD: Data Setup Time (to Write End), time for data-in value to be setup at destination.
- HD: Data Hold Time (from Write End), time for data-in value should stay unchanged after write signal changes.
- Address need time to setup
- Be conservative about timing
Big endian:
|X |X+1 |X+2 |X+3 |
| Byte | Byte | Byte | Byte |
Little endian:
|X |X+1 |X+2 |X+3 |
|31 24|23 16|15 8|7 0|
| Byte | Byte | Byte | Byte |
Application Memory View
| Reserved |
| .text |
| .data |
| Heap |
| Unallocated |
| Stack |
| OS |
MIPS Instruction Types
Machine code:
|31 26|25 21|20 16|15 11|10 6|5 0|
| 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | =32
| opcode | rs | rt | rd | shmat | funct |
Machine code:
|31 26|25 21|20 16|15 0|
| 6 | 5 | 5 | 16 | =32
| opcode | rs | rt | IMM |
Machine code:
|31 26|25 0|
| 6 | 26 | =32
| opcode | pseudo-address |
Actual address:
|31 28|27 2| 1 0|
| 4 | 26 | 2 | =32
| next PC | pseudo-address | word align |
MIPS Instructions
Arithmetic instructions
- I-type:
is sign extended. div?
:lo = $rs / $rt
,hi = $rs % $rt
:hi:lo = $s * $t
: same as(add|sub)?
, but does not trap on overflow.(mult|div)u
behaves differently from(mult|div)
Logical instructions
- I-type:
is zero extended.
Shift instructions
operations will always sign extend into a 64-bit register, then truncates the value into 32 bits.
Jump instructions
: according to slides,pc = (pc & 0xF0000000) | (IMM << 2)
, which is different from the specification. -
The range of
is 256 MBytes.
Branch instructions
The offset is
i = (label - (next PC)) >> 2
. This is different from the slides. -
The range
is +/- 128 KBytes.