CSC263 Review
Depth-first search
- White: unvisited
- Gray: encountered
- Black: explored
: the vertex from whichv
is encountereds[v]
: start time, when the vertex is first encounteredf[v]
: finishing time, when all the vertex’s neighbors have been visited
def dfs_visit(G, u):
G.color[u] = gray
G.time += 1
G.s[u] = time
for v in G.neighbor(u):
if G.color[v] == white:
G.pi[v] = u
dfs_visit(G, v)
G.color[u] = black
G.time += 1
G.f[u] = time
def dfs(G):
for v in G.V:
G.color[v] = white
G.f[v] = INF
G.s[v] = INF
G.pi[v] = None
G.time = 0
for v in G.V:
if G.color[v] == white:
dfs_visit(G, v)
(Assuming using adjancency list)
- Visit each vertex once
- Visit the neighbor of each vertex. Each edge is checked once
Total: O(|V| + |E|)
Cycle detection
Denote I[v] = [s[v], f[v]]
. For u, v ∈ V
, either
I[v] ⊆ I[u]
or I[v] ∩ I[u] = None
I[v] ⊆ I[u]
is an ancestor of v
in the DFS forest.
- Tree edge an edge in the DFS-forest
- Back edge a non-tree edge pointing from a vertex to its ancestor
- Forward edge a non-tree edge pointing from a vertex to its descendant
- Cross edge all other edges
A directed graph contains a cycle IFF DFS yields a back edge
Undirected graph
Every edge is either a tree edge or a back edge.
Cannot have a forward edge as this edge should be already marked as back edge. See here.
Topological sort
Place the vertices in an order such that all edges are pointing to the right side.
- Perform DFS
- Order vertices in order of decreasing finishing times
Strongly connected components
Subgraphs with strong connectivity (any pair of vertices can reach each other)
- Perform DFS on
- Order vertices in the reverse order of
- Computer
- Perform DFS on
, visiting vertices using order from step 2. - Each tree in DFS forest is SCC.